Help us support the Dieter De Cauderlier Foundation!

The organisation of the W-Festival is deeply involved in the fight against brain tumours and therefore supports the Dieter De Cauderlier Fund for Brain Tumours during the Christmas period.

If all our W-fans together succeed in buying 250 W-Festival 2024 tickets before the end of ‘23, we will donate 2 Bzen E-bikes and 2 custom Johnny Loco bikes to the foundation. The foundation will then auction the bikes and hand them over to their new lucky owners during their yearly ‘BeneFIETS’ event on 30 June 2024.

So help us help them and make sure we meet our goal before New Years Eve! Because this is the festive season, the season we reach out, isn’t it?

Thanks for caring & sharing! ❤️ The W-Festival organisation
🚲 Read Dieter’s story at
