En votre qualité de créancier présumé de la faillite du de CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH ayant son siège à 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 bus 6, déclarée par jugement du tribunal d’ entreprise de Gand (Belgique),  Division Termonde, en date du 13 aout 2024, vous êtes invité à déposer la déclaration de votre créance.

Vous devez soumettre votre demande, accompagnée de vos documents probants, par voie électronique au Registre central de solvabilité.

Le site web explique la procédure à suivre pour introduire la demande.

Le droit d'agir en admission se prescrit par un an à dater du jugement déclaratif, sauf pour la créance constatée dans le cadre d'une action en intervention ou garantie, poursuivie ou intentée en cours de liquidation.  Le droit d'agir en admission d'une créance constatée pendant la liquidation par un autre tribunal que celui de la faillite se prescrit par six mois à dater du jugement définitif passé en force de chose jugée. 

Le curateur

Petra Seymoens

File for bankruptcy

Dear W-Festival ticket holders,

On August 9, 2024, the festival sector will become a bit quieter. After years of struggle, the last notes have been played on the W-Festival stage, as our organization, with a heavy heart, officially will file for bankruptcy.

The W-Festival board has taken extensive steps to keep the company running, but now, just a few weeks before the start of the festival, we are faced with the heart-wrenching decision to throw in the towel.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions have had a devastating impact on the event sector. Additionally, the W-Festival faced the bankruptcy of our ticket provider, Festicket, in 2022, and unfortunately, we are experiencing disappointing ticket sales in 2024, contrary to all forecasts. After years of dedication and efforts to adapt to the new circumstances, as well as various initiatives to mitigate the damage, it is no longer possible for the W-Festival to keep the organization afloat.

W-Festival would like to thank all our employees, partners, suppliers, and most importantly, you, our loyal audience, for the heartfelt support over the past years. We were, just like you, immensely looking forward to staging this 9th edition.

The company Wave to Synth will submit an application to the court and will take the necessary steps to ensure the bankruptcy proceeds in an orderly manner, in collaboration with a curator. The board states: “It is incredibly painful to conclude this musical adventure after 9 years. For now, our focus is on closing the bankruptcy properly.”