In uw hoedanigheid van vermoedelijke schuldeiser in het faillissement van de CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH met zetel te 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 bus 6, KBO 0691.739.959 uitgesproken bij vonnis van de Ondernemingsrechtbank te Gent, afdeling Dendermonde in datum van 13 augustus ’24 , wordt U ertoe uitgenodigd uw schuldvordering  in te dienen.

Uw  schuldvordering dient u , samen met uw overtuigingsstukken, elektronisch in te dienen in het Centraal Register Solvabiliteit.

Op de website wordt de werkwijze voor het indienen van de vordering toegelicht.

Het eerste proces verbaal van nazicht van de ingediende schuldvorderingen zal neerliggen uiterlijk op 20/9/2024, vervolgens op 13/2/2025 en 13/8/2025.

Het recht opname te vorderen verjaart na verloop van één jaar te rekenen van het faillietverklarend vonnis, behalve voor de schuldvordering die vastgesteld wordt in een procedure tot tussenkomst of vrijwaring, vervolgd of ingesteld tijdens de vereffening.

Het recht opname te vorderen van een schuldvordering tijdens de vereffening vastgesteld door een andere rechtbank dan de rechtbank die het faillissement heeft uitgesproken, verjaart na verloop van zes maanden te rekenen van de dag waarop het eindvonnis kracht van rechterlijk gewijsde heeft verkregen. 

De curator,

Petra Seymoens


Star Industry started their career somewhere in 1996. Peter, Stijn and Xavier were friends for a long time and went to the same school of Arts Academy. Their common love for the dark and mystic New Wave music inspired them to start a Gothic Rock band. And with the first demo’s created at a local studio, they had a feeling that there was an excellent cohesion between them as musicians.

In the following year they went to the famous Galaxy Studio to record their first album ‘Iron Dust Crush’. The album contains their massive anthem ‘Nineties’ that was played in clubs and radio stations all over the world and even topped the alternative charts in Israel. That had a huge impact worldwide and the band became immediately popular in the New Wave and Gothic scene. And on April 12th 1998, Star Industry played their debut concert at the Black Easter Festival in Ghent, sharing the stage with VNV Nation, Diary Of Dreams, Love Like Blood and Covenant.

The album got a lot of positive comments from the press and that results in their first concerts in clubs and at festivals in the U.K., Germany (WGT), Belgium (EuroRock) and across Europe.

In the following years the band released the ‘New Millennium E.P.’ and the album ‘Velvet’ that created a larger recognition and Star Industry played for the first time at the famous M’era Luna Festival with Gary Numan, Paradise Lost and Marylin Manson at the line-up.

In 2007 they released the ‘Last Crusades’ album, produced by Luc Van Acker, well known for his work with and member of Arbeit Adelt!, Ministry and Revolting Cocks. The tour followed by this release brought them to a lot of nice events and unique moments. One of the highlights was their performance on the main stage at WGT Leipzig, supporting London After Midnight and Fields of The Nephilim. They also did a tour across China and performed for the first time in the U.S. at the Tammany Hall New York Manhattan.

In between the band offers the live album ‘Black Angel White Devil’, recorded in La Scala in Madrid. The next album ‘The Renegade’ appeared in 2015.

On this album Star Industry reunified their faithful gothic rock fanbase with characteristic anthems mixing distinct piano lines, incisive catchy synth melodies, powerful guitar parts and above all, Peter’s unique way of bringing choruses that the whole crowd could singing along.

The band successfully managed once again marrying darkness and melody, force and beauty on a homogeneous yet still diversified masterpiece.

The Renegade tour thereafter brought the band to Mexico, Los Angeles, San Francisco and a lot of festivals and clubs across Europe.

On October 28th 2021 tragedy struck when co-founder and beloved Bass player Stijn suddenly died of a traumatic aortic rupture, a heart failure.

The band lets this tragic incident sink in for a while and then decides to move on. Also to honor Stijn, he wouldn’t have wanted anything else.

On stage is where Star Industry had felt always at their best. Their numerous and always highly praised performances have established them as one of Belgium’s best gothic rock export!

The band is currently working on a new album, expected sometime in 2024…..

Want to know more?

Saturday aug 24, 2024

Batcave Live

  • 13:00-13:45


Vomito Negro
  • 14:40-15:30

Vomito Negro

Girls Under Glass
  • 16:20-17:10

Girls Under Glass

Star Industry
  • 19:40-20:40

Star Industry

Suicide Commando
  • 22:00-23:00

Suicide Commando

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