In your capacity as presumptive creditor in the bankruptcy of CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH with registered office at 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 box 6, KBO 0691.739.959 pronounced by judgment of the Enterprise Court of Ghent, Dendermonde division in date of 13 August '24 , you are invited to submit your claim.

You should submit your claim, along with your supporting documents, electronically to the Central Register Solvency.

The website explains the procedure for submitting the claim.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim is one year as from the bankruptcy declaration, except for the claim which is determined in intervention proceedings or a third-party action, proceeded or instituted during the liquidation.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim, determined during the liquidation by another court than the court which declared the bankruptcy, is six months as from the day the court ruling has become final and conclusive.

The legal receiver

Petra Seymoens

Traitrs replaces Dorsetshire on 26/08

Dorsetshire cancels W-Festival 2023 due to health reasons. TRAITRS will fill in their spot on Saturday 26/08 in the Batcave Live.

Message from the band:
“Dear fans of the W-Festival, it is with great regret that we have to cancel our gig at the W-Festival due to health reasons. We regret this from the bottom of our hearts, because we were looking forward to seeing you, our Belgian fans. We still hope that maybe we can see each other next year in Belgium. We wish you a great festival and are with you in our hearts. Kind regards, Monaco and the crew of the Dorsetshire.”