In your capacity as presumptive creditor in the bankruptcy of CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH with registered office at 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 box 6, KBO 0691.739.959 pronounced by judgment of the Enterprise Court of Ghent, Dendermonde division in date of 13 August '24 , you are invited to submit your claim.

You should submit your claim, along with your supporting documents, electronically to the Central Register Solvency.

The website explains the procedure for submitting the claim.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim is one year as from the bankruptcy declaration, except for the claim which is determined in intervention proceedings or a third-party action, proceeded or instituted during the liquidation.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim, determined during the liquidation by another court than the court which declared the bankruptcy, is six months as from the day the court ruling has become final and conclusive.

The legal receiver

Petra Seymoens


When future historians of music draw up a list of the movers and shakers who changed the modern musical landscape, there will be no doubt that Hugh Cornwell’s name will be prominent amongst them. As a pioneering musician, songwriter, and performer his pervasive influence persists in the record collections of music aficionados, across the globe’s radio waves and on stages around the world, Hugh’s presence is unquestionable.

As leader of The Stranglers, Hugh was the main songwriter of all the band’s most memorable songs across ten stellar albums all of whom consolidated Cornwell’s stature as a unique songwriter and musician. His lyrics to Golden Brown, from the La Folie album, and their multiple meanings, is a songwriting masterclass.

Widely regarded as the poet laureate of punk, Hugh Cornwell has also built a substantial and singular body of impressive solo albums. His tenth solo opus, Moments of Madness, continues his illustrious output by experimenting with musical genres as his enviable reputation as a wordsmith resounds across this album’s songs. A high watermark and a modern-day masterpiece, Moments of Madness has been heralded as the most significant album of Hugh’s career.

Want to know more?

Sunday aug 25, 2024

Batcave Live

  • 13:00-13:45


  • 14:30-15:20


The Blockheads
  • 16:00-16:50

The Blockheads

Hugh Cornwell
  • 17:40-18:40

Hugh Cornwell

Twin Tribes
  • 19:20-20:20

Twin Tribes

  • 21:10-22:10


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