In your capacity as presumptive creditor in the bankruptcy of CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH with registered office at 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 box 6, KBO 0691.739.959 pronounced by judgment of the Enterprise Court of Ghent, Dendermonde division in date of 13 August '24 , you are invited to submit your claim.

You should submit your claim, along with your supporting documents, electronically to the Central Register Solvency.

The website explains the procedure for submitting the claim.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim is one year as from the bankruptcy declaration, except for the claim which is determined in intervention proceedings or a third-party action, proceeded or instituted during the liquidation.

The statute of limitation of the right to demand the admission of a claim, determined during the liquidation by another court than the court which declared the bankruptcy, is six months as from the day the court ruling has become final and conclusive.

The legal receiver

Petra Seymoens


Lia Hide is the Athenian prolific lady of dark, avant-garde, art pop. Fusing jazz elements with balkan and cinematic music, progressive and baroque pop with indie and aetherial soundscapes, she creates stories of broken souls and fairytales of every-day heroes, trauma healing with force and honesty. Glitch and jazz fragments, screaming trumpets, cinematic guitars and orchestral layers, electronic sub drones and industrial noises, baroque pianos and edgy brasses that all dress up the clarity of the piano trio, fusing pop with indie, avant garde with dark wave, layered with crystal articulated touching vocals.

Her first album, “Home”, was released by ΕΜΙ-Universal (2013). “Everyone Seems to Know Who I Am”, 2017 (mastered by the multiply Grammy awarded Adam Ayan) and “Tells no Fairytales”, 2019 (mastered by Denis Blackham) were released by their own indie label, DontHideMe. She’s also released “Fairytales Remixed” (Amour Records) in 2020, and ‘Genoktonia’ – the music for Pavlos Kourtidis’ same-titled dance drama, presented at Aisxyleia 2021.

“The Missing Fourth Guest” (2022) is Lia Hide’s 4th album themed and influenced by Plato’s ‘Timeaus’ dialogue. The songs discuss human mortality, the search for Atlantis and the place of the modern man in the cosmos. The album was produced by Lia Hide, mixed by Ian Shaw at Warmfuzz Productions, Florida, and mastered by Denis Blackham at Skye Mastering, UK. The album has 8 tracks, all of which were dressed in video clips, including a three-fold major work, in Sonata form, the Timeaus Sonata. The videos of the album have won numerous awards in international film and video festivals and competitions.

Lia Hide has collaborated and performed with acclaimed Greek and international artists (Tricky, Joseph van Wissem, Anneke van Giersbergen, Kadebostany, Ida Nielsen, Molly Nilsson, Kovacs, and more) in diverse festivals in Greece and Europe. She has toured extensively in 20 countries across Europe, and has performed in Montreal and the US. In 2023 she was chosen to represent Greece in the HEMI Music Awards, reaching the finalists rank. The ‘Missing Fourth Guest Tour’ was presented at Athens Jazz International Jazz Festival, and since May 2023 she has performed in Forest Jam Festival (France), Station Street Festival
(Bulgaria), MMB (Romania), SoAlive (Bulgaria), PIN Music Conference (N.Macedonia), Athens Music Week (Greece) and is booked to perform at the 5th Anniversary of Dark Malta Festival (Malta) and Future Echoes (Sweden) in 2024.

She has studied classical piano, operatic singing, music technology, advanced harmony and songwriting (MMus, BA, BBA, LGSMD and more) and also composes music for theatre and dance productions.

Want to know more?

Saturday aug 24, 2024


Lia Hide
  • 12:30-13:00

Lia Hide

Men Without Hats
  • 14:00-14:50

Men Without Hats

Thomas Dolby
  • 15:20-16:05

Thomas Dolby

Tony Hadley
  • 16:50-17:35

Tony Hadley

  • 19:35-20:30


Adam Ant
  • 22:20-23:35

Adam Ant

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