In uw hoedanigheid van vermoedelijke schuldeiser in het faillissement van de CVBA WAVE TO SYNTH met zetel te 9450 HAALTERT, Atomveldstraat 8 bus 6, KBO 0691.739.959 uitgesproken bij vonnis van de Ondernemingsrechtbank te Gent, afdeling Dendermonde in datum van 13 augustus ’24 , wordt U ertoe uitgenodigd uw schuldvordering  in te dienen.

Uw  schuldvordering dient u , samen met uw overtuigingsstukken, elektronisch in te dienen in het Centraal Register Solvabiliteit.

Op de website wordt de werkwijze voor het indienen van de vordering toegelicht.

Het eerste proces verbaal van nazicht van de ingediende schuldvorderingen zal neerliggen uiterlijk op 20/9/2024, vervolgens op 13/2/2025 en 13/8/2025.

Het recht opname te vorderen verjaart na verloop van één jaar te rekenen van het faillietverklarend vonnis, behalve voor de schuldvordering die vastgesteld wordt in een procedure tot tussenkomst of vrijwaring, vervolgd of ingesteld tijdens de vereffening.

Het recht opname te vorderen van een schuldvordering tijdens de vereffening vastgesteld door een andere rechtbank dan de rechtbank die het faillissement heeft uitgesproken, verjaart na verloop van zes maanden te rekenen van de dag waarop het eindvonnis kracht van rechterlijk gewijsde heeft verkregen. 

De curator,

Petra Seymoens


John Reid, famously known as Nightcrawlers, is a Scottish singer, songwriter, and DJ. Born in 1963 in Edinburgh, Reid began honing his musical talent in the clubs of his hometown before eventually moving to London in the late 80s to make his mark on the UK music scene.

Reid’s career took off in 1992 when he released his first single, “Living Inside A Dream,” under the Nightcrawlers moniker. The single, which Reid wrote and produced, became a top 40 hit in the UK and was later picked up by Polydor Records for a wider release. The success of “Living Inside A Dream” paved the way for Nightcrawlers’ follow-up single, “Push the Feeling On,” which became one of the most iconic club anthems of the 90s. The single received countless accolades, including being listed as one of the top 100 dance tracks of all time by Mixmag.

Nightcrawlers’ work not only dominated charts in the UK but also found international success, with “Push the Feeling On” peaking at number 3 on the US Billboard Dance Chart. In addition to his success as a recording artist, Reid has also worked behind the scenes as a songwriter and producer for a variety of artists, including David Guetta and Pitbull.

In 2020, Nightcrawlers once again made waves in the music industry with their single “Praying for You,” featuring Mufasa and Hypeman. The track became an instant hit, reaching number 2 in the UK Singles Chart and racking up millions of streams across various platforms.

With over three decades of experience in the music industry, John Reid has firmly established himself as a masterful songwriter and producer. As Nightcrawlers, he has created a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and electrify dancefloors around the world.

Want to know more?

Friday aug 23, 2024


  • 14:00-14:30


C+C Music Factory
  • 15:00-15:30

C+C Music Factory

Culture Beat
  • 16:00-16:30

Culture Beat

  • 17:00-17:30


2 Unlimited
  • 18:00-18:30

2 Unlimited

  • 21:00-22:30


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